Iisa Lepistö

b. 1994, Sipoo 

Lives in Helsinki and works in Sipoo. 



2018-2020     MA, Finnish Academy of Fine Arts
2019-2020     Exchange studies at the Taipei National University of Arts
2015-2018      BA, Finnish Academy of Fine Arts
2017-2018      Exchange studies at the École Supérieure des beaux-arts et design, Marseille
2013-2015      BA, Tampere University of Applied Sciences
2010-2013      Art Academy of Pekka Halonen

Further education and courses
2022, 2024               Letter Carving in Stone, a week long course by Lettering Sculptor Robbie Schneider

Publications and writing

2024            “Graniitti cowboy”, Tuli & Savu (2/2024)
2023            “Kieli graniittia vasten”, Nuori Voima (2/2023)
2022            “Odotus, matto”, Uumen Art
2022            “Veitsi veitsi, sanon hahmottaakseni mistä veisto alkaa”, Mustekala
2022            Accessibility Is Not Static”, an interview with Jenni-Juulia Wallinheimo Heimonen, No-niin Magazine
2022            “The Ghost (Like Air Like Dust)”, ASTRA Magazine (1/2022)
2020            “In The Old World I Wanted Other Things as Well”, MA thesis

Selected exhibitions

2025 (upcoming)        To be announced
2024 (upcoming)        with Joonas Hyvönen, K-17, Sipoo
2024                               Buttercup Button Candy Croup, with Sara Blosseville, Maa-tila, Helsinki
2023                               Moving to Make a Meaning, Kyykky-Gallery
2023                               Solo exhibition at the Light-harvesting Complex , Vantaa
2023                               Nuoret2023 (Young Artists), Gallery Hippolyte, Helsinki
2023                               Their Room Washed With Hot Light, Turku
2020                               Kuvan Kevät, MFA graduation show, Helsinki
2020                               Turning the Wheel of Fortune, TNUA, Taipei, TW
2018                                Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, BFA graduation show, Helsinki
2018                                Space Is The Place, Atelier Hyph, Marseille, FR
2018                                Uncommon Ground, Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille, FR
2015                                Reality Television Goes Art, Gallery Rajatila, Tampere


2023                Öres, Finland
2022                Ecologies in the Making: Sculpting Futures @ Cove Park and Scottish Sculpture Workshop
2019                Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, university residency in Berlin


2023-2025    Kone Foundation, two year working grant
2022-2023    SKR - Finnish Cultural Association, a year long working grant
2022               Saastamoinen foundation, residency grant
2022               Paulo Foundation, project grant
2021                Taike (Arts Promotion Center, Finland), project grant (specific support during the Covid-pandemic)
2021                Taike (Arts Promotion Center, Finland), project grant (specific support during the Covid-pandemic)
2015                Greta & William Lehtinen Foundation, working grant for a work group


The Association of Finnish Sculptors
Sipoo Artist’s Association
Kiila Ry

Positions of trust

2024-            K-17 exhibition space working group 


2019            VOYEUR
2019            MUDTHING
2017            VOYEUR

More information about the scenography works and full lists of the working groups + performers can be found from the page Other. 

Other relevant working experience

Personal caretaker
Museum exhibition building staff
Museum customer service
Supermarket cashier